Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wrenches.......everyone has them but no one wants them

Wrenches.  Most of us have them, but we could really do without them.  Right?  Sometimes we have more than we really need.  They really don't serve a purpose other than they can teach us how to do something.  Hmmm.  That's a thought to ponder.

Sunday morning when I got ready to go to my Weight Watcher meeting, I was excited because I felt like I had lost something.  I tried not to get too excited and I even thought I might have reached goal. It was pouring down rain but I just HAD to go to Weight Watchers.  I was not going to let some rain stop or slow me down.  I got in my car and it wouldn't start!  Two wrenches........two more than I really wanted or needed that morning........or the week!  I tried to turn the key several times.  I called a friend and told her I HAD to go to Weight Watchers and the store and my car wouldn't start.  The rain alone was a big wrench in the day.  It meant I would have to walk on the treadmill instead of outside.  That was unacceptable.  The car trouble delayed me going to the store to stock up on what I needed the next week.  Wrenches.  Yuk!  

I made it to Weight Watchers and when I stepped on the scale, I wasn't even worried about the wrenches from earlier.  In about a week I will be at goal. Just the thought of that creates excitement, fear, and nervousness all at once.  It wasn't until a few months ago I had my first wrench.  The rut I was in a few months ago was because of a wrench.   A wrench I had created myself.  Complacency. To those of us on a weight loss journey, complacency is a wrench.  It comes after we lose some weight and are feeling good about ourselves.  So we let our guard down and have a little fun.  Get complacent or comfortable and there's your wrench.   But if we're focused and determined, we can let go of the wrench and lose the complacency.  For those of us who are determined and focused, we can lose the wrenches.  The same friend brought me home and while I waited for help on my car, I decided to walk before more rain fell.  I was able to complete my 5 mile walk and no longer was bothered by the wrench.  Car got fixed and I made it to the store.  

I am sure there will be more wrenches that come my way.  As one of my followers has mentioned, she was once told a dramatic weight loss was the easiest and hardest thing the person had ever done. I don't know what the wrenches will be but I will accept them, learn from them, and then try to get rid of them.  

I will possibly reach goal next week.  Then I begin maintenance.  If there are wrenches, I hope I will be able to handle them and learn from them.  What wrenches have you had lately?  Did they teach you something?  Don't forget to follow me.  You won't want to miss next week's post!!! 

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