Sunday, June 28, 2015

Some days it's a cheese doodle kind of day

This was my first week on maintenance.  And while to me nothing really changed, I did gain 2 lbs.  I wasn't too upset about it.  I know what caused it.....where should I start!  Ugggh.  This past week hormones and stress seemed to be in control.  I didn't eat anything "bad" or "unhealthy," but there was a night or two where I didn't eat anything for dinner.  This is what maintenance is about, right?  I have been told it will be harder than the last leg of my journey to goal.  Maintenance, as appropriately named, is supposed to teach us how to maintain the new goal weight.  I am thinking positively that this week the hormones and stress will settle down.  But this last week, I had more than a couple of days where it was a Cheese Doodle kind of day.  No, I didn't tear open a bag of cheese doodles or rip off a lid of cookie dough ice cream.  

I work for two attorneys....need I say more about where the stress came from!?  I don't handle stress that well.  The hormones......well you know what causes those! Those two combined with other things I tried to do just did not mix.  I thought I was having an anxiety (or panic) attack one day.  And when I get stressed, I tend to cry.  I had one boss who didn't quite know how to handle that.  He just didn't want me in a rubber room!  Go ahead, laugh.  I did.   Thankfully when I had this attack, the attorneys were out to lunch so it was just me.  I called a friend and she talked me through it and we came up with a plan. The crying didn't last long and then it was over.  Now, when I say I cry, there is no tantrum or red ugly crying face.  The tears just flow freely and mess up the good eye make up job!  

There was no giving me a break this past week.  When hormones are in control, what might be a minute or trivial thing can be blown out of proportion.  On a normal day, lack of any expectation might not be a problem.  But for me, when hormones rule, lack of expectations become something so much bigger.  While the old me would have reached for that large pizza or grab bag of cheese doodles, I decided to go to a yoga class on Thursday.  I am so glad I did!  I realized how empowering yoga can be.  I forgot all about the stress and hormone riddled day.......a cheese doodle kind of day..... and let it all go!  It has become a favorite activity of mine.  

Amidst the week of tears, I remained in control and made a wise decision.  One of my girlfriends....I call her the happy hour girlfriend.........texted me wanting to go to happy hour.  Now, if you have been following, you know I went through a period several months ago where I did the happy hour (we call it HH for short) just about every week.  While I could have jumped at the chance to have a Happy Daddy and enjoy some crab queso dip, I chose not to.  It was a cheese doodle kind of week and it would have been easy to blow what I had just celebrated working so hard for.  Plus having my A/C not working and waiting on my boss to call made the decision a little easier to make.  Point is, even if you have a cheese doodle day, YOU have the POWER to handle it.  

Along with wobbles, and wrenches, there will be cheese doodle kind of days.  We have the power to decide how we handle them.  Are you going to reach for a cheese doodle?  What will you do instead? Make this week a great without Cheese Doodles!!  

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