Sunday, June 21, 2015

It's a beautiful day.....for new beginnings!

I know.....I know....I'm sorry.  You have been probably chompin' at the bit to see this post.  It certainly is a beautiful day.  Like every Sunday morning, I woke up and showered.  Part of me so wanted to step on my scales at home but a friend of mine suggested I wait and let the number be a surprise.  Easier said than done.  

It’s a beautiful day and I’m Happy.  Today I am happy beyond words, sparkling, want to throw glitter in the air.  I reached goal this morning!  Not only did I reach goal but I surpassed it by 5 pounds! This is something I worked so hard to accomplish and did not give up ONCE! Well, I may have thought of it for a fleeting second, but I didn't give in.  There was a point in my life when I thought I would NEVER lose this much weight. I have lost 180.4 pounds in not quite two years.  Two friends gave me flowers! 

A beautiful day indeed! I was scared to step on the scale.  Yes, I only had a little bit to lose, but you never know what can effect it. I stepped on the scale and just wept.....and shaking at the same time. I don't think I have processed it yet.  Processed the fact I have lost an entire person.  When I tell people, they are just in awe and while I agree, it hasn't totally sunk in my mind yet.  I'm hoping it will and I can feel in awe with the people I tell.   Food does not consume my life any longer.  I no longer feel the need to celebrate something with FOOD.  My view on food is entirely different than it was just a year ago, let alone 5, 10, or 15.  Weight Watchers has help so much in my commitment to living a healthier lifestyle.   I know some of you wanted to see a before pic of me.  Here is one.  That person has been evicted and is no longer welcome.  

Yes, it took a step towards death’s door and divine intervention to get be serious about the journey this time, but I did it!   Some could say the numbers on the scale are just that numbers.  And while I agree with them, these three little numbers represent something so much bigger!  They represent the recovery from 6 days in the hospital.  They represent some of the hardest work I have done in my life…and I have done a lot.  They represent the years of wanting to enclose myself in a box because sometimes a box is safer.  The box has been torn down. But, today, the numbers also represent a new start in life.   This has not been a diet (uggh! I dislike that word so much) but a change in lifestyle.  Just because I reached goal today does not mean it’s over.  It’ll NEVER be over.  Why would I want it to be!? 

I have made some awesome friends along this journey.  I have learned from one of the most awesome and fantastic leaders. I have witnessed overwhelming support, not only from those I am excited to see every Sunday morning, but those that are with me virtually and in spirit.  Why would I want it to be over?!  It’s just the beginning!  I now learn to maintain the weight and if I can do that for 6 weeks then I make Lifetime.  But just for today, I am all aflutter and sparkly.  

So join me if you haven’t already and be part of this new chapter in my life.  


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