Monday, June 1, 2015

Keep Calm and Embrace the Wobble..........

This past weekend I attempted stand up paddle board yoga.  Yes, not just yoga, but stand up paddle board yoga.  A group of us showed up at a lake on a Saturday afternoon to try something new.  Even as late on Saturday morning, I was excited and pumped to try this type of yoga.  But after getting to the lake, and looking at how far we had to paddle, I heard whispers from the former me.  The timid me was saying I couldn't do this.....shouldn't do this.  I should just be benched.   But my friends were not going to let that happen.  And I am glad they did not.  

So paddle I did to the middle of a beautiful lake.  A lake surrounded by trees and clouds above.  If you have not tried stand up paddle board yoga, or have no idea what it is, you basically do yoga poses on a paddle board.....of course in the water! Once the board was hooked to the buoy, I found the board a bit more stable. After feeling proud doing the child's pose and maybe downward dog, in the water I went. According to the instructors, falling in the water is celebrated and everyone claps. Forget about trying to stay cute when doing stand up paddle board yoga.  I then tried alternate leg/arm extension.  Feeling proud that I extended my right leg and left arm, the board wobbled once again and I fell in the water.  I do have a battle injury to show for this new experience.....a nice reddish purple bruise on my knee.  

In all seriousness, I must say it was a fun and new experience.  It is empowering....think about it.   All of us were out on this beautiful lake with the sun shining experiencing the same thing.  The peace and oneness of the lake.  Although falling in the water was not in my plan, I will give myself kudos for doing the downward dog and bridge pose on a wobbling paddle board. My personal trainer would be proud.  Would I do it again?  Absolutely........gotta be able to do downward dog and alternate leg/arm extension without falling in!! 

Keep calm and embrace the wobble......just not for stand up paddle board yoga.  I was thinking later after I had recovered, that saying can apply to all areas of a weight loss journey.  There will be wobbles.  Wobble back and forth with the numbers on the scale.  Wobble with what foods to eat.  I have wobbled in the last several months while on the journey to goal.  And I am sure it is not the last time I will wobble.  

The next time you feel yourself wobbling...........remember, Keep Calm and Embrace the Wobble!

Y'all have a great week!  

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