Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pursuit of Happyness

Today's blog is a little short.  If you were asked are you happy, could you answer honestly? What a  loaded question!  Not mine but the question Are you Happy?

The topic in Weight Watchers this week is based on the theory of happiness.  Some say a percentage of happiness is genetics while another percentage is what life has given you.  There is a friend in my Sunday morning Weight Watcher group who is happy every time I see her.  Continually happy!  Even her laugh is infectious.  I long to be that happy.  Am I foolish to think that once I hit goal I will by miracle be as happy as this woman?  My laugh will magically sound happier.  

Happiness.....if I had been asked that this morning, I would have to say I was not happy earlier today. I am so close to goal so when I stepped on the scale earlier and saw the number go up, happiness was not an emotion I experienced.  To me it was a tiny step backward resulting in just a little more to go than last week.  My leader even shed a tear with me and gave me a hug.  But we both knew what had caused the little water weight gain.  Something not under my control which drives me crazy.  

I suppose, though, I am happy.  I am happy I can cross both my legs without any effort.  I am happy that I can walk 5 miles without losing a breath.  I am happy that my health issues have diminished.  Happy that my clothes are smaller.  Happy that cleaning my house is actually enjoyable and not a chore.  Happy that I no longer require a bra extender AND that my bra size is smaller. Happy that, yes I have lost 169 pounds.  

I was not thinking of those things when I stepped on the scale this morning and saw a number I did not want to see.  I am not happy that the date I reach goal has been delayed one more week.  But, at the end of the day, I am happy that nothing I did caused this little bit of water weight gain.  If it causes the happiness to stay a little longer, then I am going to blame the small gain on water weight, mother nature, taking the stairs at work (new thing - but am going to stop).  Does not mean that the door has been opened to fear.  Is it possible to concentrate on being happy to ward off fear?  

For most of us on any type of weight loss plan, we tend to be happier when the scales swing our way. I must admit, when I step on the scale and the number goes down, I get a giddy as a teenage girl.  I think of it as validation for a hard week well fought.  As our weekly asked, are we happy when we lose weight or that we can lose weight?  The latter is the most accurate while most of us tend to lean towards the first statement.  Why aren't we happy that we CAN lose weight instead of when we do?  This next week I will work no harder than I did last week (except leaving out stair climbing), eat nothing different, maybe drink a little LESS water.  And I will try to be happy that I CAN lose weight.

How is your pursuit of happyness?  Will you be happy that you CAN lose the weight?  Have a great week!  Don't forget to follow me and you'll never miss a post! 

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