Monday, June 22, 2015

Inspiration, Thank Yous...........and the popular table

Has it settled it in yet?  Not quite.  What did I do to celebrate?  Nothing yet.....we celebrated how awesome my dad is on Sunday.  But I have a plan! You may be looking at the title and say, okay I get Inspiration and the Thank Yous, but the popular table?  When I was in high school, in the cafeteria were round tables at the back where all the popular kids sat for lunch.  I so wanted to sit at the popular round tables.  During this journey, having all the support from you has put me at those round tables!

While cooling off from my afternoon  walk on Sunday, I read all the comments on Facebook.  And I watched the video my good friend took at the meeting over and over.  Throughout this journey, many of you have told me I am your inspiration.  These are just some of the comments that brought tears to my eyes.  Not to mention the hundreds of "likes."  

Congratulations! You looked radiant this morning.

I am so excited for you!!!! I need some of your positive attitude and motivation. You are such an 


Simply amazing!!! You are an amazing example for soooo many people. Very happy for you!!!!

Absolutely inspirational!

I am so happy and proud of you! You inspire me and many, many others. Congrats!

AMAZING!!! You are an inspiration!!!

Wow!!! That is amazing and YOU look amazing!! Congratulations on reaching your goal! 
What an inspiration you are!!

I fee humbled that so many people find me as their inspiration.  But I do hope I inspire people. Inspire them to become healthier, become more active, and realize it takes one day at a time. To realize it CAN be done.  Remember to be proud of starting a new journey to better yourself.  You may want to ask what inspires me.  What inspires me?  I am inspired by the strong person I am becoming.  I am inspired by the potential of the rest of my life and I can see good things happening.  I am inspired by all the good things that have already happened.  And I am inspired by AWESOME support from my friends and Weight Watcher family.  

There are some thank yous I need to make.  Although simple, if it had not been for these people and events, I would not be the person I am today.  

THANK YOU to the diagnosis of diabetes.  I believe if I had not gone to the hospital and been told by the ER doctor I had diabetes I would have died.  I would have continued to eat and shield myself with food.  Blessings come in all disguises, good or bad.

THANK YOU to the wonderful  awesome Woodlands Weight Watcher group!  I believe there was a reason I chose to attend the Sunday morning meeting.  I have faithfully attended just about every meeting and it is because of the fantastic leader, workers, and members.  So THANK YOU for being such a wonderful group!

THANK YOU to all those who have been on this journey with me.  The leader who I have learned so many things from.  The friends I have met at Weight Watchers and those online.  Thank you to my friends I have known forever!  Thank you to the uplifting and encouraging comments.  I believe you were brought into my life for a reason and for that I am THANKFUL.

After many, many years, I now have a seat at the round table!  To those that I have known for 10, 20, or 30 years, and those that I have made new friendships with, I hope you k now how much it means to me to see your excitement and happiness for me.  I am so ready to start the next part of my life at the round table! 

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