Friday, June 19, 2015

Things that go bump (not always in the night)..............

I remember the first night I spent in my very first apartment.  I listened to every sound there was.  I eventually got used to those little sounds that may or may not keep you awake.  Five years later I moved and had to get used to new things that go bump in the night.

On the eve of the eve of my weigh in on Sunday morning, I am a little anxious.  Will I make goal?  Will I lose that small amount needed to carry me over the threshold?  Will it drag on for another couple of weeks?  All to lose 1.6 pounds.  

Things that go bump.  Hmmmm.  I consider myself a perpetual Weight Watcher member.  I would get psyched up, join, have good results for the first 2 weeks, then I would quit.  Each time was a different bump that made me quit.  I did this for many years.  Thinking each time would be the time. There were plenty of bumps along the way.  They seemed to get "louder" each time and harder for me to ignore.  I had just lost 93 lbs and felt good about it.  I was in college and was home for some break.....spring or doesn't matter.  I looked good.  I surprised some of my former classmates.  But then bump!  I ended up not going back to school and let the weight creep back on. 

And crept back on it did.  And crept and crept.  Before I knew it I had gained all 93 pounds back plus some.  Bump!  Over the years, I gained more and more.  There were more trips to Weight Watchers and more BUMPS! Eventually I gave up on Weight Watchers and ignored the bumps.  In 2009 my 20th high school reunion was going to happen.  I first found out about it 7 months prior so if I was REALLY serious about losing weight for it, the time was that moment to start.  I waited till there were two months and now had time to just lose 20 lbs.  Trying with all my might, I succeeded and lost 41 lbs.  Looking at the pictures from the event now, I was still big.  For several months, things were quiet with no bumps.  Then things changed at work and BUMP!  This time in the form of stress. It crept back on yet again, but with a little faster speed.  I again gained every bit back plus some.  

I found it easier to ignore the bumps with a pizza, hamburger, or ice cream.  It would be a few years before the biggest that I couldn't that made me stop just listening to these bumps but do something to get them to stop.

Things that go bump.  When people look at me in awe of my weight loss, I tell them, "Oh, it wasn't all that hard."  But I had to work really hard to make the bumps stop.  For several months I heard no bumps.  Things were going smoothly and I was pleasantly surprised.  I was exploring the new me and finally going out with the girls! Then one day, bump.  The few bites of appetizers and the glasses of wine.....every week.....bump!  I wanted to get back to hearing no bumps.  So I gave up the appetizers and glasses of wine.  I went back to square one and so far no bumps. 

What happens once I get to goal?  Does that mean the bumps go away?  Nooooo! I will work just as hard to make the bumps go away.  Things that go bump..............don't be afraid of them.  But learn to know which ones will hurt you if you let them.  

Don't forget to follow me......this story is just beginning! 

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