Friday, June 19, 2015

Gimme a break............and say I CAN!

At the meeting this past week, we did a little mediation.  A two minute brain break if you will.  The challenge is every time we say the word "can't," we are to stop and take a two minute brain break.   Find a way to say I can! Have you taken your brain break this week or today?  What did you think about?  

For years I have used the word "can't" as a shield, just like the food.  "I can't do that."  or "I just can't."  I used it last night at yoga.  I told the instructor I couldn't do a certain pose.  She asked, "Why?" I didn't have an answer for her.  I surprised myself and was able to do the pose.  I can!  As I have lost weight, I realized I CAN do many things I used to tell myself  "I can't."  

And yet there is ONE thing that I still use the word "can't" on.  Those that know me and are my friends, have encouraged me by saying, "You have lost 174 pounds!  You can do this."  And they are right, but at the same time, it is something that won't seem to move to the CAN category.   

I am able to say I CAN do stand up paddle board yoga. I CAN lose 174 lbs! I CAN do hot yoga and not care the room is 105 degrees.  I CAN go out and stick to my plan and only have sparkling water with lime.  I CAN shut the door on my old life and gladly open the door to this new one.  Yet clearing the mind of "can't" is harder than you might think.  

I know this thing will get lonely in the "can't" bucket because as I continue to discover the new me, things that were in the "can't" bucket will get thrown in the CAN bucket.  My inner self just shakes her head when I use the word "can't"  I wish I COULD do this one thing.  

So the deal is when I find myself saying "can't" I am to stop and take a break for two minutes.  And then find a way that I CAN.  

 I come up with all sorts of excuses to avoid saying I CAN do this one thing.  What ifs aplenty.  It was the first thing in the "can't" bucket......long time ago.  I know I would surprise myself by being able to do this one thing.  If I told you what it this thing is, some of you might  wonder why it's under "can't."  Others might understand why it is.  

I am hoping as the old me moves on and the "brain" breaks will help me say "I can!" to do this one thing.  Otherwise, I think my inner self may just go crazy!  

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