Saturday, July 11, 2015

A motivated woman with a fitbit is a dangerous thing

........or also known as Rejection and Frustration are no match for a woman with a Fit Bit. 

I know you have had times where you felt defeated, frustrated or let down about something.  No doubt at times it was your weight loss journey.   It is natural.  While on mine, I didn't start having those feelings until I was closer to goal.  I started to write "till the end," but there is no end, is there?   In the past, when I felt defeated, frustrated, I would reach for food.  I will admit on this journey, at times I still did that....just not the foods I used to eat.  

This past week I posted on the Weight Watchers face book page I needed some new songs for my walking play list.  I can only listen to the same Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson songs for so long. You gave great suggestions.  I listened to some of the songs and picked those I liked.  I needed to add more songs because it was done before I finished my 5 mi walk.  The play list now has some funky songs on it.  

Monday was a bad day for me.  I felt rejected....and frustrated.  Prior to this journey, when I had these feelings, I would binge.  I suppose I did binge this week......on exercise/activity.  I wish I could have told my leader the truth as to why I wasn't having a good day.  I just shook my head and said no.  I covered my face with my hands and walked out.  I came home that night and cleaned the kitchen while dancing.  I decided to challenge myself while giving a little dig to the curtain of fear that held me back from dong that one thing.  I still felt rejected so what do I do this time?  I was going to try my best and beat the Work Week Hustle Fit Bit challenge.  I did some EXTREME walking this week. I got 30,000 steps on Wednesday alone.  Friday I hit 35,000 in one day.

I took this rejected and frustrated feeling and ran with it.....almost.  Maybe power walked with it.  I started getting up at the crack of dawn - actually way before then - so I could make my 10,000 before sunrise.  I succeeded every day.  I am proud of myself for pushing myself and following through.  There were times when my body told me this was silly and we should just give up and be at the bottom.  Let them win.  Are you kidding me?! I was sitting on a bench and this song came on.  All of a sudden I felt a psycho slap from my inner goddess that said, "Get moving!"  Then I heard this song that reminded me that my roar is much louder than I think.  Then I heard this song and it reminded me of how we talk negative to ourselves.  I began listening to my inner goddess and didn't give in.  All I had was time this past week.  I didn't have anyone vying for my attention, wanting to spend time with me.  No distractions or nothing in my way.  So instead of diving into a jar of peanut butter or a bag of chocolate chips to ease the pain, I channeled it into something positive.  Despite the blisters on my pretty, pink pedicured toes and the flaming shin splint, I felt wonderful after finishing a walk.  It didn't matter that I was wet from head to toe with sweat....but I don't sweat, I sparkle.  Very sparkly.

Tomorrow I will prep my salads for the next week.  The method worked well this week.  So I am going to try it again.  This week, I am prepping for a Strawberry Poppyseed Chicken Salad (copycat of Panera) and I'll use some of bottled dressing I already have.  There's a copycat Chick-Fil-A Grilled Market Chicken salad.  I'll use a creamy apple cider vinaigrette.  I'll also fix a Orange-Strawberry salad.  It has a recipe for an orange dressing but I will use a strawberry vinaigrette. I'll also fix a Leftover BBQ Salad.  I'll use some frozen grilled chicken I fixed with a barbecue marinade.  With this recipe, I will also use some of Green Giant Steamers Honey Roasted Corn.

None of us going through a weight loss journey are immune to having feelings of defeat, rejection, and frustration.  We learn how to deal with these feelings.  We either deal with them in positive ways or make not so good choices.     When I have feelings of rejection or frustration I tend to want to give this weight loss journey the finger.  Be a rebel and eat chocolate or a bag of Cheese Doodles!  I start wondering what is it about me that isn't measuring up to others.  What is it about me that others don't find attractive.  But being active and walking 13 mi in one day surely takes the edge off of eating the bag of Cheese Doodles!  Listening to my funky power walk play list (songs like Perfect by Pink, All I do is Win by DJ Khaled, Uptown Funk, Part of Me) and dancing while cleaning also helps.  I may still rejected for a while, but I learn to deal with it differently.

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