Sunday, July 5, 2015

Simply.......Don't D*ck Around (you had to be there)

Hope your 4th of July was full of fireworks!  Not only the ones in the sky but ones you created yourself.  I may get in trouble for this post title.  But if you had been at the meeting this morning, you would totally get it!  And that is what's fun about the Sunday Weight Watcher meeting.  You just never know where the conversation will lead.   In the meeting this morning we talked about what we could do in 15 minutes to relax, to recharge, feel good, to make us laugh.  For me, walking (or pretending I am on the catwalk) the trails recharges me and relaxes me.  I listen to fast, but good, tempo music that makes me feel like I'm walking the runway.  As for laughs, my two pets always make me laugh.  Or listening to a good friend laugh and knowing she's laughing with me.  Then we talked about guilty pleasures...and someone mentioned Magic Mike XXL.....which I saw Thursday.  All I have to say is oh my!  So you can imagine where the conversation went from there.  

Two weeks into maintenance and I am finding it harder than just getting to goal.  I have put on 5 pounds over the last two weeks.  I was disappointed because I am now in competition with myself to stay under goal.  And that is proving to be a hard challenge.  But like before, I know what I did to put on the pounds.  I must nip it in the bud if I am to get through maintenance and start lifetime.  As I mentioned in the previous post, I crossed some personal boundaries.  Boundaries, that if I am not careful, can be dangerous.  So after stepping on the scale (I stepped on it, but it wasn't recorded), I realized this is something you don't d*ck around with.  I think we all now that.  While not bad, a back road may be taken to see different attractions, sometimes they aren't good.  Those bad attractions make us realize the main journey is nothing to take lightly.  Whether it is the beginning of a journey, the last leg, or reaching the destination, it is a LIFESTYLE change. I will work just as hard to lose these 5 lbs in the maintenance phase as I did on the journey to goal.  

I am determined to make it through maintenance and stay below goal.  I suppose since the step on the scale wasn't official, I still have 5 weeks to go.  This week I will track EVERYTHING and go back to basics.  The week before was stress and hormones.  This past week was happy hour and the old way of thinking of well I've already blown this week, the rest might as well not count.  I found this site that shows you how to get your salads ready for the week.....find it here.  Here are mine: 

I had fun putting them together.  I listened to music and even danced around the kitchen.  The music took my mind off of something that's been on my mind and the doubts that are following.  For Monday's lunch, I will be having the Inner Goddess Detox Salad (yes, there is such a thing!).  I have fixed it twice before and it is so good.  I use a balsamic dressing with it.  On Tuesday, I am having a Fruit and Spinach Salad with a bottled strawberry dressing.  One of my recent favorites, on Wednesday, I am having a Watermelon-Cucumber Salad.  I'll have the same balsamic dressing on it.  I also tried this one for the first time recently and the watermelon on the salad is refreshing.  On Wednesday night, I'll fix Thursday and Friday's lunches.  They'll be a Mango Chicken Salad with a bottled Mango vinaigrette and a Chicken Apple Salad with an Apple Cider vinaigrette.  For any of the recipes, just click on the salad name and it'll take you to the site.  I usually modify some of the salads to fit my own taste or a single serving.  I usually just track the items separately.  Dinner will probably be impromptu salads......just throwing something together.  I like the oil based dressings better than the creamy ones.   So I will remember to grab the salads from the fridge, I made a note.  

Hopefully it'll work and I'll remember as I walk out the door.  Like the journey to get to goal, maintenance is nothing to treat lightly.  It is not a time to become sluggish or complacent.  Although I must take this 5 lb gain seriously and do my best to lose it, I cannot let it get me down because I am still trying to do one last thing.

Totally off subject, but I blame my inner self (like to call her my inner goddess) for the 5 lb gain.  She's the one that said, "Sure, I'll meet you for happy hour."   Most of the time she means well and tries to push me out of my comfort zone.  When I stay behind the line she just folds her arms and shakes her head.  When a friend of mine (the one who was the inspiration behind the post title) told me "You can do it.," I told her my inner goddess will have to do the talking since I am clearly scared of my own voice!  That's a little funny for your week.

So, what are you going to do for 15 minutes this week that makes you laugh, relaxes you or recharges you?

Have a good week!

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