Saturday, July 25, 2015

The rest is still unwritten...........

Update on the hot neighbor:  So I haven't talked to him since he stopped me.  I did see him the next night I walked.  On my first lap, he was in his truck but I just strutted on by - hoping he was looking at me.  Still in the truck on my return lap.  Part of me hoped he looked at my backside as I walked away!  Part of me wants to convince myself that he was just being nice.  I've had 3 different friends (who don't know each other) say he was hitting on me.  Haven't talked to him since....was he a figment of my imagination?  We'll see!  Stay tuned.

I accepted two Work Week Hustle challenges this week.  Think I mentioned that.  I gave out the other night at 10 pm while the other two ahead of me were still moving.  Not sure what they were doing. I was ready to throw in the towel and I mentioned this to one of them.  She said sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.  Ha! While I slept they moved!!  But slept I did.  I crawled out of bed at 4:30 a.m.  Yes you read right!! I thought instead of quitting I'll just bring my A+++ game.  I finished the week with a personal best, 157,074 steps for the week.  Then I accepted the Weekend Warrior challenge!  What was I thinking!  

While on one of my walks, I listened to "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield.  Have you heard of this song? Have you really listened to it?  It made me think just a little.  This new life of mine is still unwritten. When I started this weight loss journey, it was all a blank page.  I had the power to choose how that moment was written.  I'm sure you've written out a plan or have an idea of how you'd like to live your life.  Good thing is that it's all unwritten.

So I am all about plans, lists, scenarios.  My friends laugh at me because I usually picture how something will go in my head.  Or I have a list of what  I need to do.  I am writing out how I'd like something to happen not realizing it's probably unwritten for a reason.  When I started this journey, I looked ahead to the future, like most of us do.  And as I lost the weight I was able to reach for the coveted goal weight number in the distance.  At the same time, releasing all the negativity and toxic words from my life.  It didn't all happen at once.  I'm learning to live one day at a's not always easy.

I never imagined that I would reset my original goal.  I didn't have that in my plans.  But now that I am on the path to a number I haven't seen in over 25 years, wow!  The rest of my life is unwritten.  It wasn't written that I would walk between 8-10 miles (sometimes more) a day.

As the weight is lost, a new person emerges.  The rest of this life is unwritten.  The only thing written so far is the decision to be on this journey.  Take delight in the fact you have the power to write the ending!  How exciting is it that the rest is unwritten and it can be anything you want it to be?!

This post is short due to a long day of walking (duh!), yoga, and an overdue night out!

Tomorrow I will post the salads I am fixing for the week plus my reviews of the salads I fixed last week.

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