Sunday, July 26, 2015

Wanna look hot in a've got to work b*tch!

So I ended the Weekend Warrior challenge. Walked almost 9 miles today. While I'd like to win just ONE challenge, it won't be this one  or probably the next one.  But to even be close to winning, I got to work at it.  Among the song suggestions you guys gave me for my play list was Brittney's Work B*tch.  When I listen to that song, I tend to walk just a little faster with more determination.  It's become a favorite song of mine. So thank you.  I only lost .6 this past week.  I know you're thinking but you walked 12 mi a day! Well a visitor had other plans!  I'm just glad I didn't gain.  I can work just as hard and next week I hope to see a bigger loss.  

With anything you want badly, you have to work at it.  A weight loss journey is no exception.  Last year when I left the hospital, I knew what work was cut out for me.  I didn't want to inject insulin the rest of my life.  I didn't want to have to prick myself to check my blood every day.  So I worked at making that disappear.  It paid off.  I worked at reaching my first goal and when I surpassed it and decided to "renig" (how a WW member on Sunday morning put it) on the original goal, it was something I had to wanted to work for.  When I was looking for a job, my dad would always tell me I had to treat looking for a job as my job for moment.  It can be said for a weight loss journey.  Okay, so maybe it doesn't have to be treated as a full time job.  But unlike a hobby that you do when you have time or feel like doing that hobby, you have to work at losing weight.  

There were days I didn't want to walk or track the not so good snacks I ate.  But if I want to lose that 200 lbs then I have to work at it.  Work it like a champion.  A champion doesn't quit a journey, a challenge, or give in.  Last night and this morning I just wanted to wave the white towel and surrender.  But after the meeting I came home and walked and have moved up the chain.  I  worked at it and liked the result.  But I also have to work at my emotional well being.  If I want to appear more confident, I have to work it.  New things are happening every day and I am a work in progress.

So if you want to look good in those skinny jeans or a red bikini, you've got to work at it.  Work it like a champion!

I am fixing spinach salads this week.  Spinach mixed with Romaine lettuce.  Below are some that I am choosing from.

Spinach Salad with fruit, almonds, and feta cheese
Apple Pecan Feta Spinach Salad (I'll use Ken's Apple Cider dressing and almonds instead of pecans; leave off bacon)
Strawberry Pecan Salad (use Ken's Strawberry dressing, almonds, and blue cheese.  Use fresh mandarins instead of canned)
Berry Spinach Detox Salad (use almonds instead of pecans and blue cheese instead of goat.  Use Panera poppyseed dressing)
Berry Pistachio Spinach salad (use already prepared strawberry or raspberry dressing)
Tropical Spinach Salad (leaving off avocado and using a mango or strawberry dressing)

Have a great week and remember to work it like a champion! Will keep you posted on the hot neighbor.....but you've got to read my blog to find out! 

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