Sunday, July 12, 2015

Let me introduce myself.........and an announcement

ANNOUNCEMENT:  I have an announcement before the guest post.  If you didn't already see, I lost an incredible 6.2 lbs. last week.  It was due to extreme walking and just sticking to plan.  I have a decision to make.  I will be resetting my goal, upon my doctor's approval of course, and reaching for the gold to lose an even 200 lbs!  

Guest post by the Inner Goddess

Let me introduce myself.  I know you have probably heard about me.  I am the Inner Goddess or the Inner Twin.  Preferably, I like Inner Goddess because I am sparkly, pink, and very girly.   I moved in some time ago and have been trying to settle in.  While I am beyond thrilled that Christina has lost this amazing amount of weight, there are still some issues that need to be improved.  

The discovery of one's new self can take a toll on the person emotionally and mentally.  I am the one who gives her a psycho slap when she is doubting she can do something.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  I have stood with arms crossed and shaken my head more times than I care to count.  She's not always a good listener and sometimes I have to shout.  Shouting doesn't always work.  The one trait she has that I wish she would give up is her stubbornness.

I was proud of her this past week.  If you don't already know, she likes to win.  Who doesn't?!  I was ready to walk all night long if that is what it was going to take.  I kept telling her she could do this. She surged onward in the heat and at times strutted down the catwalk. I kept telling her that he obviously didn't know a good thing when he saw it.   When she contemplated giving up and going back home, I nudged her and told her to get moving.

There are few times when I am able to escape and show who she really is.  The Christina you see most of the time is one that the former, bigger one created.  The one that hides behind a curtain of uncertainty and fear.  I have had to work really hard to bring the true, fun, flirty Christina.   If only everyone saw the true person.

I, the inner goddess, would be a vegetarian if she'd let me.  I have made sure the craving of hamburgers, fries, pizza, or ice cream don't enter her thoughts.  And if they do, I slap her bringing her back to reality.  That's why I was so proud when, after having a bad day on Monday, she decided to channel her frustration into something else.  I clapped my hands because when she gets frustrated about something, nothing stops her.  

So, after finally listening to me, she has brushed off last week and I think will not give that one person (at the moment) another moment's thought.  She was thinking of quitting this next week's challenge but I think I have persuaded her to go full speed ahead and do it ONLY for her.  IF she wins, GREAT.  She'll win for her.  Although the other competitors will give her a run for the money, she'll knock it out of the park.  I still have work to do, and I will never leave her, but I believe there has been a major improvement over the last few months.

We all have an inner self that speaks to us.  We may call them different things  Sometimes they tell us good things that lift us up.  Then we have those inner selves that throw us negative energy.  We are all strong enough to banish the negative one to a land far away.   Listen to what the sparkly, fun, inner self has to say.  Believe her when she says you have come so far why would you want to keep holding on to who you used to be.  That's something I'm trying to do.  I will start listening to my inner goddess more often.  She is does not look pretty shaking her head and tapping her foot.

Y'all have a marvelous manic Monday.....and great rest of the week.                                    


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