Friday, July 3, 2015

NSVs and Maintenance Week No. 2

NSV.  No it’s not a degree…….although I suppose it could be in a way.   It’s not a disease nor a medication.  NSV stands for Non Scale Victory(ies).  Climbing a flight of stairs without losing your breath, fitting into that pencil dress that hasn't fit in years, having someone comment on how good you look, having the energy to do something that you haven't been able to do in years, etc...all non-scale victories.  Weight Watchers celebrates them.  And celebrate they should.  A weight loss journey is just not about what numbers show up on the scale.  It’s about all the mental changes along with the number part. 

This is maintenance week no. 2.  I strayed outside the boundaries (okay, okay my personal boundaries).  A girlfriend (also sometimes called ‘gf.’) texted me about happy hour.  I decided to go only because she had been on vacation and we had not seen each other in some time.  I did pretty well considering….I drank sparkling water with lime and kept away from the Peartinis, Happy Daddies and any other kind of happy that involved vodka.  I indulged in a few appetizers and probably had a few bites too many.  Two lettuce wraps (appetizer size), a few chips with spinach artichoke dip and two sliders.  That isn’t bad you say.  Probably not, but by my standards it is.  That set the mood for the week and I indulged in a few other things I shouldn’t.  Therefore I won’t weigh in this Sunday. 

Now about those NSVs.  The first one was on Father’s Day on the heels of my victory of getting to goal.  So while my family and I were out celebrating the man who is probably the MOST AWESOME dad ever, my mother makes a comment that to me meant more than if she had said “I’m really proud of you.”  She turns to me and says “I should have been dieting along with you this whole time.”  Wow!  It was a NSV for me, but probably an AHA moment for her. 

The other one also happened on the heels of me reaching goal.  Among the comments left on my Facebook page, there was one from a guy whom I think we are virtually flirting….if that is a thing.  We “like” each other’s statuses every now and then.  All this time I thought there was just too much in his feed for him to like every selfie I posted or profile picture I changed.  Then I saw his comment. And while it was just a simple “Great job, Christina.,” it made my heart do a little backflip. 

The last two were today.  I walk in Walmart – not really excited about being there (just because it’s Walmart – need I say more) – and as I walk in, this really good looking guy is walking out with his basket and he winks at me!  This man, who is tan and somewhat in shape, wearing a tank top showing off his tattoos, winks at ME.  Part of me wanted to turn around, forget the list of things I needed to buy, and follow him out the door!  NSVs.  They are anything we want them to be. 

The last one is very special to me and made me cry.  But just because it’s last on my list, doesn’t mean it’s not as important as the others.   Save the best for last right?  So I have this really good friend who was in a horrific accident 7 years ago.  The accident killed her husband and has left this once vibrant, funny, sassy woman paralyzed, unable to speak and walk.  But God love her, she still remembers me and when I visit her it’s like time stood still.  I found out she was in the hospital so I went to visit her.  When I walked up to her in her room and said hi, she looks at me and mouths “Wow.”  I just started crying.  If I had any doubt that she didn’t remember who I was, those doubts went out the window with that one simple (note I didn’t use small because it was so much bigger) comment.  I told her what I had done and she said “I’m proud of you.”  Our visit was wonderful and while I did all the talking, she was ever present and laughed along with me. 

NSVs.  Non-scale victories.  They can be anything we want them to be.  From being able to walk 5 miles without getting winded, being able to finally wear a regular size 16 instead of a size 16W, or a simple comment from a man whom just might have been following your journey from the wings. 

Celebrate your NSVs whatever they may be.  Revel in the feeling they bring you.  They will remind you this journey is worth it and hasn’t been in vain. 

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