Friday, July 17, 2015

Peaks and Valleys.......or sometimes 5 is just enough

Happy Friday!  It's the end of the week and you know what that means!  The weekend!  I know, too many exclamation points.  You're either thinking I'm just way too excited or I've over done it with the exclamation points.  I am ready for the weekend.  I have neglected putting the new quilt on my bed or finishing redoing my guest bathroom.  I have laundry that needs to be hung up.  I've become addicted to walking so that's all I seem to do!  Which I guess is a good thing instead of being addicted to say Cheese Doodles or chocolate chips.

I went to my regular yoga class on Thursday.  I am really liking the yoga thing. We had a guest teacher who talked about Colorado and the peaks and valleys of the mountains.  And how the peaks represent the bigger picture and the valleys represent the stuff  that supports the peaks. Earlier I had a title for the next post thought out.....sometimes 5 is just enough.  But then I heard this teacher talk.  So what do I do?  I combine the two.   

A few weeks ago, I guess someone asked our leader about the point value of chocolate chips.  She came back with an answer:  5 chocolate chips are 0 points.  But maybe sometimes 5 is enough.  Five chocolate chips, 5 potato chips, 5 jelly beans.  Sometimes we just have a craving and maybe 5 of whatever it is is just enough.  But 5 could also be minutes or breaths to get focused on something else.  Just taking 5 can give us a new perspective.  A five minute walk.  A five minute break....I know we talked about the 2 minute break, but sometimes 3 more minutes is needed.  Or a five minute conversation with a friend.  

When you want those 5 chocolate chips or jelly beans, are you in a valley?  Stupid question I know. It is hard to ignore the valleys in a weight loss journey because they happen and are ever present just like the peaks.  You may be at that party and the cookies or candy beckon your name.  Before grabbing for just 5 M&Ms or those Kettle Chips, take 5 and breath.  When you experience a low/frustrating point in your journey, do you take time to look at the bigger picture?  

I have been in valleys before and not taken the time to look at the bigger picture.  Not necessarily about my weight loss but those things that change BECAUSE of the bigger picture.  I have said it before that I guess I expect everything else to fall into place since I've lost 185 lbs. (I'm just going to round it up!).  Not everything has fallen into place.  I still have struggles.  But if I didn't struggle or if everything did fall into place, then it would be....what?.........easy.  I tend to want things in the present. Right yesterday.  That text I'm anxiously waiting on, that question/sentence I'd love to hear.  But I have to learn to look at the bigger picture.  The fact that I took control of my life and have lost an astounding 185 lbs. so far.  

Peaks and valleys.  Peaks of a mountain are beautiful as well as the valleys below.  But when we think about the peaks and valleys of this journey, how do you describe your valleys?  Your peaks? The bigger picture.  Without the valleys below, the bigger picture may not exist.  When you are in a valley, look up at the mountain.  Treat the mountain as your success so far, not the mountain you have to climb.  

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