Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The ball is in your court.....where is the ball and what court?

I was texting with a friend the other night and told her I wanted to do something really daring. Hey I am a single 44 year old woman so naturally I think about dating and men quite often.  If you haven't already guessed!  After last week, I thought why chase after something that's probably not there?  I often have friends suggest I do this or that.  Text this.  Email that. What!?  No.  Really?  Their reply is "Then the ball would be in his court."  Ahh!  The dreaded ball! I told my friend the ball usually gets tossed to someone else's court or just stays there.  Do guys really know when the ball is in their court?

I started thinking how that phrase relates to one's weight loss journey.  When did you realize the ball was in your court? What did you do with the ball?  Although I was guilty of what I think men do all the time, I never really paid attention to the ball that was in my court.  Until it was almost too late. This time I decided to do something about it.  I did something with the ball that was in my court.   I thought long and hard about what I wanted this time and what I was willing to do (had to do) to achieve it.  

The ball is in your court............what happens when the ball gets flat?  Believe it or not, weight loss hasn't always been highs for me.  If it were all highs, then it would be easy.  Especially when you do it the natural way, there are bound to be some lows.  If your ball is flat, you have to inflate it.  

Think of this "ball" as accountability.  Almost always, whether you are starting a weight loss journey, or have been on one, sometimes we forget to hold (or how to) ourselves accountable. Being accountable is always there and in our court.  We just have to do something with it.  I went through a time when I didn't hold myself accountable.  Did I say a time?  I meant TIMES. I know some of you do simply filling and have great success on it.  For me, it's the point way all the way.  I was going to say or nothing but then that would do nothing for those reading this.  I had times when I didn't track everyday and not EVERYTHING I ate.  Really? Don't we sometimes believe if we don't track that handful of nuts or Chex Mix, it really doesn't county? To me that's just as bad as a guy not doing anything when the ball is in his court. 

Sometimes the "ball" can be just the motivation we need.  Fortunately, (and I suppose thankfully) I didn't experience any long plateaus.  I know some of you have.  Sometimes that "ball" can be the fire that needs to be lit under your butt to get you moving again.  Sometimes the ball can be tell your fortune.  And we don't always want to look at it.....until the news is too much to ignore.  My leader left me a great compliment after I posted I no longer have to inject insulin.  The comment read: "Now, that is the BEST news that I have heard today - to think that you have improved your life all because you decided to! Powerful stuff, Miss Christina Crawford!!!! Way to go!" All because I decided what to do with the ball in my court.  

Like waiting for men to do something with the ball, it can be just as frustrating, if not more so, when we don't do anything with our "ball."  We know it's there, but sometimes we can't bring ourselves to do anything with it until it's almost too late.   At some point I will go on maintenance.  Seeing how close I am to losing an even 200 lbs. is something I cannot pass by.   For now, I am doing everything / anything I can with the ball that's in my court.  

What are you going to do with the ball that is in your court?  

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