Sunday, July 19, 2015

You should never quit anything you start

So I went kayaking this afternoon.  It was so much fun after I got over my initial anxiety.  But I rowed with a partner and I think we teamed up pretty well.  Would I do it again? Absolutely!  Inner Goddess did give me a psycho slap so I wouldn't quit.  I can cross that off my list.  Inner Goddess had a big smile on her face and was jumping up and down.  

Is everyone ready to start this week?  I started to say "another" but that doesn't sound positive, at least I don't think so.  When you say "another week" it's like saying this week doesn't matter.  It DOES matter.  So I was in the Fit Bit Weekend Warrior challenge last Sunday and did something that will probably make you shake your heads.  I quit the challenge at the 11th hour.  I know, I know.  It was 10 pm and the person who was ahead of me was not sleeping apparently.  I was marching around my house just trying to keep up with them, annoying my neighbors below in the process.  Yes, I shouldn't have quit but I couldn't keep up and wasn't going to win.  And we all know what I do or like to do....All I do is win!  The next day my wonderful WW friend told me something that made my heart stop and my little blonde brain go on overload.  She sent me a message....You should never quit anything you start.  I came in second in the Work Week Hustle only because the same person apparently hurt something and it held them back.  I have blisters all over my pretty pink toes and calluses on my heels, but I didn't quit this time.  I know they will knock it out of the park soon and that will make me work all that much harder.  

I have had my share......count on BOTH hands.......of times when I ended up quitting something.  I quit Weight Watchers many times before this current journey.   Let's be honest - it is an easy thing to do.  I would quit if I gained two weeks in a row or if I splurged too many days.  What did that do for me?  Okay, so I quit but did I feel better?!  No!  I went back to my old ways until the next time I started Weight Watchers again.  But if I had stuck with the journey, no telling where I would have been.  This time, when I started exercising, especially working out with my trainer, it would have been easy for me to quit if I thought I couldn't do the work out or walk the 2 miles.  I didn't quit.  I kept up with the workouts and the walking.  Since the challenge a couple of weeks ago, my goal is to walk up to 10 miles a day.  So why did I quit last week's Weekend Warrior Challenge?  I have no answer for you other than I wasn't going to win.  But you've already won you are probably thinking. And you're right.  Or look how far you've come you'd say.  I know.  I've learned my lesson.  I suppose it's not all that bad coming in second behind this one person.  

There are times, I know, where you have wanted to quit.  A fellow Weight Watcher emailed me to tell me she was quitting the program.  I feel for her.  But I have been where she is.  I didn't know what to tell her.  Sometimes the mind is made up.  You could have your mind made up to quit and nothing is going to change it.  I respect that. But before you write off whatever you're going to quit altogether, take 5 and think about it.  So you didn't lose this week or last week, tomorrow is another day.  Just imagine your inner Scarlet saying it. It's okay to be take that day to be down - throw yourself a pit party whatever you want to do.  But don't quit.  Although I wouldn't have won the Weekend Warrior Challenge if I hadn't quit, I would have completed it and probably felt better. This next week I think I am competing in two challenges.  If I think about quitting, all I have to do is look at my friend's message or think what would Inner Goddess do!  Okay now onto a lighter salads for this next week.  

I found a recipe for Panera's Fuji Apple Chicken Salad and made a few changes. I used sliced almonds instead of pecans, left off tomatoes, and used crumbled bleu cheese (had it on hand).  I also used Ken's Apple Cider dressing because it was on hand.   I'm also fixing this Cranberry Sunflower Salad with chicken and some changes.  I'll use bleu cheese again instead of mozzarella.   I then found a recipe for Chilis Caribbean Salad.  I pick up fresh pineapple chunks from the fruit bar at HEB (a/k/a the "three letter store.").  I use chicken I marinade, grill and freeze for use.  I am not sure what dressing I'll use.  The last time I fixed this salad, I did fix the dressing with some modifications.  I didn't fix an Asian salad last week that I think I had planned out.  I picked out another one that I have on my list to fix this week.  It's an Asian Chicken Crunch Salad.  I bought some Panera Asian Sesame dressing I think I will mix with some Greek yogurt.  Again I'll use grilled chicken I already have.  I'm doing without the chow mien noodles and again going for the sliced almonds.  This Apple Pecan Salad looked pretty good.  I'm going to try it.  Original recipe doesn't call for any protein so I might add some chicken.  Maybe not.  I'll use the Apple Cider dressing I already have.  Instead of feta cheese, I'll again use Bleu cheese.  Note: when I fix these salads, I don't follow the specifications for the recipe.  I use the ingredients in the recipe and fix salad accordingly to what I would eat.

What are you going to do if you have a thought of quitting something?  This new me is not a quitter.  When I quit last week, I suppose it was in a moment of weakness.  It won't happen again.  

Have a great week!  

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